Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Brittney Felix. First off, before I start talking about myself, I would like to thank you again for being here and learning more about me. Hold on because I have lots of stories!

I was born and raised in rural western Pennsylvania. I will have to say that I had the most magical childhood. You know, the one where you ran in the woods all day, chased Faries down the stream and rode your bike everywhere. I am the utmost grateful for this. I know most kids these days will never know that magic. Our imaginations ran wild and free. I feel very lucky to be an 80s baby. Shout out to my fellow millennials!

I’ve been writing songs and poetry since I’ve been a young girl. I used to go sit on a big rock in the woods and write songs about the sky and the wind. I even had a songwriting club in 5th grade and that’s how we would spend our recess. I guess that’s where my love of writing began. Also, I was that child that loved to perform. There are countless videos of me at 4 years old, singing NKOTB and Somewhere Over the Rainbow. The Wizard of Oz was my obsession, and I was Dorthy. I was in every talent show, school play/musical, pageants, theatre camps in the summer, chorus, choir, band, and took every art class I could. The love for the arts was something I was called to from the very beginning. It’s never left.

Even as a young girl, I loved to cook and experiment in the kitchen. My Grandfather nicknamed me, Muckin. I was always mucking around in the kitchen he said. My high school home-ec classes were some of my favorite times in school. We even ran a real restaurant during lunch period for the staff. My Grandmother is an amazing cook, so I’ve always felt very comfortable in the kitchen as it was my workshop. I am being the truest to myself, when I am creating. Again, that’s never left.

From there, I went to college at West Virginia University. Let’s Go Mountaineers! I earned a BA in Public Relations/Journalism with a minor in Political Science. I also worked in the Philosophy department, which I loved. I always had a knack for bigger thinking and questioning things. Imagine that! The friendships I developed and experiences I had were very formative, as they really shaped my life. Shout out to my best girlfriends that still hold me down till this day. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days for a weekend, but I know my liver couldn’t handle it. Take me home, country roads!

A year after college in 2010, I moved to Nashville, TN. Music City baby! I was 23 years old and ready for my life to begin. I always knew that I would leave PA and that there was a big ol life out there for me. Nashville was it! I didn’t know a soul, my parents helped me move and the rest is history. Over the next 10 years, I experienced the most incredible things and met the most incredible people. The friendships and experiences that I collected over that decade are some of my most treasured. I worked in music production, festival tours, wrote a few songs, created a songwriters night called “Revival” with friends, to just name a few. I heard Chris Stapletons voice LIVE for the first time in 2011!!! Even went up to him after and we talked. Before I even knew who he was, I knew his voice. How many people can say that!!?? That is the special kind of magic Nashville has. I was there during the end of the “sweet spot”, as the city is now something a little different, not our secret anymore. Nashville is where I found myself, lived out my 20s and discovered how beautiful life truly is and how connected we all truly are. The music fueled my soul, I was home. The good, the bad and the wild & crazy, I am forever grateful for this chapter in my life. Here is also where I met the man that not only stole my heart but will end up stealing me away from Nashville. Come to the beach he said.

In 2019, I reconnected with a friend from my tour days. We both were working a concert at the Nissan Stadium and after knowing each other since 2012, sparks flew. January 1st, 2020, I packed up another U-Haul and moved my life to Wilmington, NC to begin the next chapter. I moved to the beach :) Who knew the world would come tumbling down in 2020, but we made it! I’ve learned again, so much about myself during these crazy times. Also, I have been able to get back to doing more of the things that I love, gardening being one of them. As well as trying new things like taking up sourdough. I feel like I’m at a point in my life where it feels very full circle. I feel re-connected to that little girl I once was, and in my 30s I’ve realized, hey I’m still her. Still mucking around in the kitchen.

I am currently now 5 years settled in Wilmington, very much in love and life is more than I could ever imagined. We have made a home, became beekeepers, travel the world, said goodbye to one pup and gave a home to a new pup and are even about to get chickens. I’m so excited! In turn, here I am ready to shine light onto my most authentic self and share my joy. I hope that I can inspire and bring my joy to this community through my unique perspective. If I still have your attention and you made it through my long-winded story…Thank you! I’m so excited to be here.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, that is all.

- Oscar Wilde

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